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2020 Year End Review

As another year draws to a close, I like to look back at everything I accomplished before plotting out the new year ahead. I had quite a few plans for 2020, but as expected, not all of them came to fruition. However, I am quite pleased with my progress within the Universe of Brand J. Alexander nonetheless.

My first big goal for 2020 was the release of book 2 in my Tears of Hatsunae series, and I am proud to announce that I achieved this goal. Not only was Fall of Tears available for purchase on Amazon as of April of this year, but I have also begun work on book 3 of the series, Tears of the Fallen.

As my first full-length novel series, Tears of Hatsunae stands as one of my proudest achievements to date, and every step I take towards completion of the series is a huge milestone for me. That fact alone marks this year as a major success and is something I am pleased to celebrate. I am also truly appreciative to everyone who has helped in that celebration through the purchase of my books and the wonderful reviews you have left. Thank you. Every review helps expand the visibility of my universe for others to experience and enjoy.

However, Tears of Hatsunae was not the only series that made a successful advancement this year. While Guardians of the Tide did not have a new release as originally planned, the second installment of the series is completed and currently going through several stages of edits before publication. I plan to share news on the title and release date for book 2 in the Guardians of the Tide series in the coming year.

I saved mention of my final and perhaps greatest accomplishment of 2020 for last. It is one of my proudest moments on my quest as an author. Ravenfell Chronicles: Origins is the first series I ever published back in 2018 and has now become the first completed series in my catalog. With the recent release of Dark Heart of Ravenfell, I have brought this goal into reality. While the tales of the Ravenfells do not take place within the Universe of Brand J. Alexander, they do hold a significant part of my creative outlet as I spend several months each year bringing Ravenfell Manor to life for the enjoyment of my community. At last, I can share the entire story of how Ravenfell Manor came to be.

Having completed this series is a huge milestone. It has brought my focus even more clearly to the completion of the others that await telling and has helped to cement a certainty within me that those too will see the day when their final tale is written and published. I hope you continue to follow me to see these stories told as well.

I owe a great deal of credit and thanks to my followers for all these achievements. The support and encouragement I have received from fans have helped to push me forward and continue the journey of creation in my universe. While I would be writing my stories no matter what, knowing that they are not only appreciated by others but eagerly anticipated with each new release is a wondrous feeling that helps to strengthen me through the harder times in this adventure. Thank you for that.

My last announcement for the year is, unfortunately, a sad one, but it is significant enough to require mention. We recently lost a furry family member here at the Brand household, and that loss has been felt deeply in the final weeks of 2020. For those who have followed me closely, you might remember that both of my pups, Brody and Duggie, experienced significant health issues earlier in the year. While we managed to get through those and share a few more wonderful months with my boys, sadly, my boy Duggie passed at the beginning of December. I have been heartbroken, and it has taken me a few weeks to recover and return to some semblance of normalcy. But the loss is still apparent in nearly every moment of my day. My boys are my constant companions, and they both stayed faithfully by my side through numerous hours of writing the stories you have come to enjoy.

As my heart goes through the stages of saying goodbye, I do take a bit of solace in the fact that Duggie was memorialized within my literary universe as he is the inspiration for an entire magical race of beings within the Tears of Hatsunae series.

The Braukah Aquinar, AKA Duggins, were inspired by my snuggly boy, and many facets of the race have thankfully sealed Duggie’s memory in my universe for all time. If you would like to experience a bit of the love and loyalty that I received from my precious companion, I encourage you to read Fall of Tears and experience the magic of this wonderful race. Like Duggie, the Braukah Aquinar have an amazing ability to make me smile, and I would love to share that wonder with everyone.

Picture of My Sweet Duggie (Heart of the Duggins)

That pretty much sums up the year for me and my universe. But fear not. There are many changes and new things to come for the Universe of Brand J. Alexander in the new year. Keep an eye out for my hopes and goals for 2021 in the coming weeks. I plan to release a rundown either through my blog or newsletter in January.

Just a reminder, if you do not already follow my newsletter, you can get regular updates on special offers, new releases, and exclusive universe lore by signing up for my mailing list. Check out the link below to sign up.

You can also follow me on Facebook for regular project progress updates and discussions about the books and worlds of the Brand J. Alexander Universe.

As always, thank you for your support. Even as an author, I doubt I could express in words how much it means to me.

Until Next Year,

Brand J. Alexander

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